Meet Aime McCrory of Estate Sales by Connor

Today we’d like to introduce you to Aime McCrory.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
Our son Connor was born with a congenital heart condition and we were told early on, that even if he did not need open heart surgery as a baby or a child, he would be limited in the sports he was able to participate in. Knowing how kids could be, my husband and I decided early on, that we would help him cultivate interests that would make him feel special and empowered.

We tried, golf, art classes, swimming, computers, reading, etc… however on his own accord he began watching all the shows like American Pickers, Pawn Stars, Storage Wars and decided he was going to be a “picker” and asked us to take him to garage sales, estate sales and flea markets, where he began collecting and reselling items he bought from his allowance and then eventually from the profits he made selling. Will Siepple, CEO of Worthpoint Corp, found out about Connor and became a mentor to him, giving him an I-pad with the Worthpoint app so he could learn to research and value items.

My husband Stephen worked in real estate in London and bought an sold items in England as well. Growing up in Los Angeles, when I needed money I bought and sold vintage clothing at the Melrose Flea Market and then on eBay very early on. So when a family friend of my parents asked us to conduct their estate sale, we all had both the business experience and some knowledge of the antiques and collectibles market so we agreed to host their estate sale. Will Siepple even fly out from Atlanta to help us.

During the sale, we meet a former Vietnam Vet who loved how we were working together as a family and asked us to conduct his recently deceased mother’s estate sale a few weeks later. At that sale, a producer from the Queen Latifah show came by to see Connor in action, to determine if indeed an 9-year-old kid really knew about antiques and was helping his family price items for estate sales. She was so impressed that the following day, Connor was booked on the show, and business has been relatively steady since that event almost five years ago.

I do want to add, that Stephen and I have put in a lot of hard work through networking, building a client base, and taking the time to understand our clients needs, because when someone needs an estate sales it is usually due to emotionally (if not financially as well) challenging circumstances, and understanding their grief and helping to become liberated by walking them through the estate sale process from the first meeting till the end when everything has been sold and removed, it quite a transformation.

Has it been a smooth road?
Nothing is ever smooth, however, I’ve learned that success and enjoyment are in the way that the daily details and challenges are addressed. I strive to use compassion and understanding, with both my clients and customers. Sometimes it’s easier said than done. By nature, I am a quiet and introverted person, and by in owning my own company, I have learned how to put my foot down, how to deal with all sorts of challenges and personalities.

Hearing the clients needs is key, being clear as a company as to what we can and can not do (not just with clients but customers as well) is imperative so that everyone expectations are met and when they are not the challenges are mitigated. Unlike most estate sales companies, we also have an open door policy with the clients, as we believe this is their estate or family estate and they have the right to be involved in as much of the process as they choose to be.

While running my own company gives us a lot of freedom and quality time to raise my son, the drawback is that the work, thus the income is not always consistent. However, I believe that every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow, and this specific example has taught us how to save money and budget our outgoings and well as our time.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Estate Sales by Connor story. Tell us more about the business.
Estate Sales by Connor is a family run company by Stephen, Aime and Connor McCrory who were recently featured on The Queen Latifah Show, National Public Radio (NPR) and ABC7. We offer the perfect combination of an experienced hardworking staff and a loyal following of buyers in greater Los Angeles and surrounding areas. Our goal is to help you sell and liquidate your estate in a professional and profitable manner, and oversee it as if it were our own.

Our international staff is dedicated to meet your requirements on closing dates and even on short notice while providing quality service that ensures a smooth transaction. Not only are we estate sale professionals, we are members of the ACNA, licensed, insured and have access to top appraisers and auction houses in the industry.

Again, we also have an open door policy with the clients, as we believe this is their estate or family estate and they have the right to be involved in as much of the process as they choose to be.

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